When my son was very young, he explained to me that he liked peas, but found them to be hard to pick up with a fork. But he was very proud that he had a hack, and said: “you just bog them into the mashed potato.” We used this method to get some green into our daughter, who was less keen on peas, but loves mash! As an added benefit, there were not peas everywhere!
Pea bogging is a perfect metaphor for Creativity. Sometimes Creativity is hard to pick I up, so to make it easier to digest, it is good to embed it into a project or job that is a lot more pragmatic. Also, Creativity is often misunderstood and at times, feared. So by adding small creative steps to a practical project, it is possible to get the benefit without any of the push back!
Like greens, Creativity is right for you. But so are the more pragmatic tasks, and like the carbohydrates and fibre in potatoes, the pragmatic and practical parts of a project or task are the building blocks of what we do. Interestingly, both peas and potatoes have many of the same minerals and vitamins, but in different intensities. But greens have antioxidants that reduce the likelihood of heart disease, to keep the body healthy and the blood flowing. Similarly, a good dose of Creativity keeps the ideas flowing and makes life more enjoyable. So next time you are having difficulty in picking up on Creativity, bog it into your practical tasks, and it will be a lot more digestible.